Testing and Estimation of structural breaks in Stata
For an overview of xtbreak test see xtbreak test and for xtbreak estimate see xtbreak estimate.
Current Version:
Please cite as Ditzen, J., Karavias, Y. & Westerlund, J. (2025) Testing and Estimating Structural Breaks in Time Series and Panel Data in Stata. arXiv:2110.14550 [econ.EM].
A working paper describing xtbreak
is available here.
A working paper describing the panel data theory of xtbreak is available as Ditzen, J., Karavias, Y. & Westerlund, J. (2024) Multiple Structural Breaks in Interactive Effects Panel Data Models. Journal of Applied Econometrics
Table of Contents
xtbreak depvar [indepvars] [if],
options1 options5
xtbreak test depvar [indepvars] [if],
breakpoints(numlist| datelist [,index| fmt(string)]) options1 options5 options6
breakpoints() specifies the time period of the known structural break.
xtbreak test depvar [indepvars] [if],
hypothesis(1|2|3) breaks(#) options1 options2 options3 options4 options5
hypothesis(1\2\3) specifies which hypothesis to test, see hypothesises. breaks(#) sets the number of breaks.
xtbreak estimate depvar [indepvars] [if], breaks(#) showindex options1 options2 options5
options1 | Description — | — breakconstant | break in constant noconstant | suppresses constant nobreakvariables(varlist1) | variables with no structural break(s) vce(type) | covariance matrix estimator, allowed: ssr, hac, hc and np inverter(type) inverter, default is speed. See options. python use Python to calculated SSRs to improve speed. See details. noreweigh do not reweigh time-unit specific errors by the number of total observations over actual observations for a given time period in order to increase the SSR of segments of unabalanced panels with missing data.
options2 | Description |
trimming(real) | minimal segment length |
error(real) | error margin for partial break model |
options3 | Description |
wdmax | Use weighted test statistic instead of unweighted |
level(#) | set level for critical values |
options4 | Description |
sequential | Sequential F-Test to obtain number of breaks |
options5 | Description |
nofixedeffects | suppresses fixed effects (only for panel data sets) |
breakfixedeffects | break in fixed effects |
csd | add cross-section averages of variables with and without breaks. |
csa(varlist) | Variables with breaks used to calculate cross-sectional averages |
csanobreak(varlist) | Variables without breaks used to calculate cross-sectional averages |
kfactors(varlist) | Known factors, which are constant across the cross-sectional dimension but are affected by structural breaks. Examples are seasonal dummies or other observed common factors such as asset returns and oil prices. |
nbkfactors(varlist) | same as above but without breaks. |
options6 | Description |
skiph2 | skips hypohesis B |
clevel(#) | specifies level for critical values to detect breaks. |
strict | strict behaviour of sequential test. Improves speed. |
maxbreaks(#) | sets maximum number of breaks for sequential test. Improves speed. |
Data has to be xtset
before using xtbreak
. depvars
, indepvars
and varlist1
, varlist2
may contain time-series operators.
xtbreak test implements multiple tests for structural breaks in time series and panel data models. The number and period of occurence of structral breaks can be known and unknown. In the case of a known breakpoint xtbreak test can test if the break occurs at a specific point in time. For unknown breaks, xtbreak test implements three different hypothesises. The first is no break against the alterantive of s breaks, the second hypothesis is no breaks against a lower and upper limit of breaks. The last hypothesis tests the null of s breaks against the alterantive of one more break (s+1). For more details see xtbreak test.
xtbreak estimate estimates the break points, that is, it estimates T1, T2, …, Ts. The underlying idea is that if the model with the true breakdates given a number of breaks has a smaller sum of squared residuals (SSR) than a model with incorrect breakdates. To find the breakdates, xtbreak estimate uses the alogorthim (dynamic program) from Bai and Perron (2003). All necessary SSRs are calculated and then the smalles one selected. For more details see xtbreak estimate.
xtbreak implements the tests for and estimation of structural breaks discussed in Bai & Perron (1998, 2003), Karavias, Narayan, Westerlund (2021) and Ditzen, Karavias, Westerlund (2024).
For the remainder we assume the following model:
y(i,t) = sigma0(1) + sigma1(1) z(i,t) + beta0(1,i) + beta1 x(i,t) + e(it) for t = 1,...,T1
y(i,t) = sigma0(2) + sigma1(2) z(i,t) + beta0(1,i) + beta1 x(i,t) + e(it) for t = T1+1,...,T2
y(i,t) = sigma0(s) + sigma1(s) z(i,t) + beta0(1,i) + beta1 x(i,t) + e(it) for t = Ts,...,T
where s is the number of the segment/breaks, z(i,t) is a NT1xq matrix containing the variables whose relationship with y breaks. A break in the constant is possible. x(i,t) is a NTxp matrix with variables without a break. sigma0(s), sigma1(s) are the coefficients with structural breaks and T1,…,Ts are the periods of the breakpoints.
In pure time series model breaks in the constant (or deterministics) are possible. In this case sigma0(s) is a constant with a structural break. Fixed effects in panel data models cannot have a break.
xtbreak will automatically determine whether a time series or panel dataset is used.
Option | Description | ||
breakpoints(numlist\datelist [,index\fmt(format)]) | specifies the known breakpoints. Known breakpoints can be set by either the number of observation or by the value of the time identifier. If a numlist is used, option index is required. For example breakpoints(10,index) specifies that the one break occurs at the 10th observation in time. datelist takes a list of dates. For example breakpoints(2010Q1) , fmt(tq) specifies a break in Quarter 1 in 2010. The option fmt() specifies the format and is required if a datelist is used. The format set in breakpoints() and the time identifier needs to be the same. |
breaks(#) | specifies the number of unknwon breaks under the alternative. For hypothesis 2, breaks() can take two values, for example breaks(4 6) test for no breaks against 4-6 breaks. If only one value specfied, then the lower limit is set to 1. If h(3) and sequential is used, then breaks() defines the maximum number of breaks tested for. |
showindex | show confidence intervals as index. | ||
hypothesis(1\2\3) | specifies which hypothesis to test. h(1) test for no breaks vs. s breaks, h(2) for no break vs. s0 <= s <= s1 breaks and h(3) for s vs. s+1 breaks. Hypothesis 3 is the default. | ||
sequential | sequential F-Test to determin number of breaks. The number of breaks is varied from s = 0 to breaks()-1 or floor(1/trimming). | ||
breakconstant | break in constant. Default is no breaks in deterministics. | ||
noconstant | suppresses constant. | ||
nofixedeffects | suppresses individual fixed effects. | ||
breakfixedeffects | break in fixed effects. | ||
nobreakvariables(varlist1) | defines variables with no structural break(s). varlist1 can contain time series operators. | ||
vce(type) | covariance matrix estimator, allowed: ssr, hac, hc and np. | ||
trimming(real) | minimal segment length in percent. The minimal segment length is the minmal time periods between two breaks. The default is 15% (0.15). Critical values are available for %5, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. | ||
error(real) | define error margin for partial break model. | ||
wdmax | Use weighted test statistic instead of unweighted for the double maximum test (hypotheis 2). | ||
level(#) | set level for critical values for weighted double maximum test. If a value is choosen for which no critical values exists, xtbreak test will choose the closest level. | ||
csd | adds cross-section averages of variables with and without breaks. | ||
csa(varlist) | specify the variables with and without breaks which are added as cross-sectional averages. xtbreak calculates internally the cross-sectional average. | ||
csanobreak() | same as csa() but for variables without a break. | ||
kfactors(varlist) | Known factors, which are constant across the cross-sectional dimension but are affected by structural breaks. Examples are seasonal dummies or other observed common factors such as asset returns and oil prices. | ||
nbkfactors(varlist) | same as above but without breaks. | ||
inverter(type) | sets the inverter. type can be: speed (invsym), precision, qr (equivalent to precision; qrinv), chol (chol), p (pinv), or lu (luinv). Choice of inverter has implications on speed and precision. For an overview see https://www.stata.com/manuals/m-4solvers.pdf. | ||
python | use Python to calculated SSRs to improve speed. Requires Stata 16 or later, Python and the following packages: scipy, numpy, pandas and xarray. | ||
noreweigh | avoids to reweigh time-unit specific errors by the number of total observations over actual observations for a given time period in order to increase the SSR of segments of unabalanced panels with missing data. Results with this options should be used indicative. See also section on Unbalanced Panels. | ||
skiph2 | Skips Hypothesis 2 (H0: no break vs H1: (0 < s < s_{max}) breaks) when running xtbreak without the estimate or test option. | ||
cvalue(level) | specifies the level of the critical value to be used to estimate the number of breaks using the sequential test. For example cvalue(0.99) uses the 1\% critical values to determine the number of breaks using the sequential test. See level(#) for further details. | ||
strict | enforces strict behaviour of the sequential test to determine number of breaks. Sequential test will stop once F(s+1 | s) is not rejected given a rejection of F(s | s-1). Option improves speed in large time series, but should be used with caution. |
maxbreaks(#) | limits number of breaks when using the sequential test to determine number of breaks. Option improves speed in large time series, but should be used with caution. |
If a panel dataset is used, xtbreak differentiates between four models. The first model is a fixed effects model. A break in the fixed effects is not possible. The second and third models arewith a pooled constant (pooled OLS) with and without a break. The last model is a model with neither fixed effects nor a pooled constant.
The following table gives an overview:
Model | Equation (xtbreak options) |
Fixed Effects (nobreak) | y(i,t) = a(i) + b1 x(i,t) +s1(s) z(i,t,s) + e(it) |
Fixed Effects(break) | y(i,t) = a(i,s) + b1 x(i,t) +s1(s) z(i,t,s) + e(it) (breakfixedeffects ) |
Pooled OLS (nobreak) | y(i,t) = b0 + b1 x(i,t) +s1(s) z(i,t,s) + e(it) (nofixedeffects ) |
Pooled OLS (break) | y(i,t) = b1 x(i,t) +s0(s) + s1(s) z(i,t,s) + e(it) (nofixedeffects breakconstant ) |
No FE or POLS | y(i,t) = b1 x(i,t) + s1(s) z(i,t,s) + e(it) (nofixedeffects noconstant ) |
where b0 is the pooled constant without break, a(i) the fixed effects, b(1) a coefficient without break, s0(s) a pooled constant with break and s1(s) a coefficient with break.
In the estimation of the breakpoints, cross-sectional averages are not taken into account.
The option python uses Python to calculate the sum of squared residuals (SSRs) necessary to compute the F-Statistics to estimate the dates of breaks and perform tests for an unknown break date. The number of possible SSRs can be very large and computation time consuming. For example, for a model without non-breaking variables, one break (m=1) and a minimal segment length of h=trimming * T, the number of SSRs is:
T (T + 1)/2 − (h − 1)T + (h − 2)(h − 1)/2 − h2m(m + 1)/2,
hence in the order of O(T^2). Using Python improves the speed of calculations.
Python cannot be combined with unbalanced panels. It uses the standard inverter from numpy (linalg.inv), the pseudo-inverse (linalg.pinv) or SVD decomposition (scipy.linalg.svd). Differences between results obtained with and without the Python option may occur for ill-conditioned or (nearly) invertible matrices.
xtbreak checks if the Python and required packages (numpy, scipy, xarray and pandas) are installed. The option python can only be used with Stata 16 or later.
xtbreak allows for unbalanced panels when using panel data. Pure time series data (i.e. data with only one cross-section) with gaps is not allowed. In the case of unbalanced panels, the degree of freedom adjustment for the sup F(s) statistic are adjusted.
While xtbreak kallows for unbalanced data, results should be taken with extra caution. The underlying assumption is that the break dates are the same for all units, including those with gaps in the data. The break date estimation can be biased if data is very unbalanced, that is if a large number of time periods are missing for multiple units. Care is also required if estimated breaks coincide with the start or end of unbalanced panels. We strongly recommend to investigate the SSRs using estat ssr after an estimation with a single break point to identify increases or decreases in the estimated SSRs.
The option noreweigh avoids to reweigh time-individual errors for the calculation of the SSR to artificially increase the SSR of unabalanced sections of the panel. Results with this options should be used indicative.
This example was presented in similar form at the Stata Conference 2021. We will try to estimate the breakpoints in the relationship between COVID infections in the US and excess from the virus in 2020 and 2021. Weekly data is available on GitHub. The variable deaths has the deaths from COVID and the variable cases contains the number of new covid cases. The idea is that initally more people died from COVID because it was a new virus. Then medical treatment advanced and vaccines became more available which should decrease deaths. On the other hand COVID cases have likely been underreported during the first wave. We assume that there is a lag between the a positive test and death of one week. The data is from the CDC.
First we load the data into Stata:
use https://github.com/JanDitzen/xtbreak/raw/main/data/US.dta
We start with no prior knowledge of i) the number of breaks and ii) the exact date of each break. As the data might be non-stationary, we use first differences. Therefore before estimating the breakpoints we use the sequential F-Test based on hypothesis 2:
xtbreak d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakdates
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: no break(s) vs. H1: 1 <= s <= 5 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
UDmax 28.91 6.09 4.74 4.13
Sequential test for multiple breaks at unknown breakpoints
(Ditzen, Karavias & Westerlund. 2024)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
F(1|0) 28.51 6.09 4.66 4.03
F(2|1) 5.47 6.59 5.24 4.64
F(3|2) 2.78 6.92 5.61 4.99
F(4|3) 2.70 7.33 5.87 5.23
F(5|4) 19.84 7.49 6.05 5.45
Detected number of breaks: (min) 1 2 2
(max) 5 5 5
Null hypothesis rejected more than once after non-rejection.
The detected number of breaks indicates the minimum and maximum
number of breaks for which the null hypothesis is rejected.
Estimation of break points
Number of obs = 79
SSR = 49.07
Trimming = 0.15
# Index Date [95% Conf. Interval]
1 15 2020w22 2020w21 2020w23
2 45 2020w52 2020w51 2021w1
We find two breaks, the first in week 22 in 2020 and the second at the end of 2020. We can directly estimate the model with two breaks:
xtbreak estimate d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases, breaks(2)
Estimation of break points
Number of obs = 79
SSR = 49.07
Trimming = 0.15
# Index Date [95% Conf. Interval]
1 15 2020w22 2020w21 2020w23
2 45 2020w52 2020w51 2021w1
We find the same two break points.
Next we test the hypothesis of no breaks against 2 breaks using hypothesis 1:
xtbreak test d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases , hypothesis(1) breaks(2)
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakdates
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: no break(s) vs. H1: 2 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
supF 19.95 4.82 4.00 3.58
Estimated break points: 2020w22 2020w52
Trimming: 0.15
Since we have an estimate of the breakpoints, we can test the two breakpoints as known breakpoints:
xtbreak test d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases , hypothesis(1) breakpoints(2020W22 2020w52, fmt(tw))
Test for multiple breaks at known breakdates
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: no breaks vs. H1: 2 break(s)
F = 19.95
p-value (F) = 0.00
Since we are using a datelist, we need to specify the format of it. datelist also has to be the same format as the time identifier.
We have established that we have found 2 breaks. We can test the hypothesis 3, i.e. 2 breaks against the alternative of 3 breaks:
xtbreak test d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases , hypothesis(3) breaks(3)
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakpoints
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: 2 vs. H1: 3 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
F(s+1|s)* 2.78 6.92 5.61 4.99
* s = 2
Trimming: 0.15
First, note that we have to define in breaks()
the alternative, that is we use breaks(3)
. Secondly we can not reject the hypothesis of 2 breaks.
To allow for a break in the constant as well, the breakconstant
option can be used:
xtbreak test d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases , hypothesis(1) breaks(2) breakconstant
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakdates
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: no break(s) vs. H1: 2 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
supF 16.27 4.14 3.44 3.15
Estimated break points: 2020w23 2020w52
Trimming: 0.15
To test if there is only a break in the constant and the cases are nobreaking, the variables are added into the nobreakvar()
xtbreak test d.deaths , hypothesis(1) breaks(2) breakconstant nobreakvar(d.L(1/3).cases)
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakdates
(Bai & Perron. 1998. Econometrica)
H0: no break(s) vs. H1: 2 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
supF 4.57 9.36 7.22 6.28
Estimated break points: 2020w18 2020w29
Trimming: 0.15
There is no evidence for breaks in the constant only.
After estimation, we can split the breaking variable using estat split
and then run a OLS regression:
xtbreak estimate d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases, breaks(2)
estat split
New variables created: LD_cases1 LD_cases2 LD_cases3 L2D_cases1 L2D_cases2 L2D_cases3 L3D_cases1 L3D_cases2 L3D_cases3
. reg deaths `r(varlist)'
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 79
-------------+---------------------------------- F(9, 69) = 1.91
Model | 596.717902 9 66.3019891 Prob > F = 0.0649
Residual | 2396.27612 69 34.7286394 R-squared = 0.1994
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0949
Total | 2992.99402 78 38.3717182 Root MSE = 5.8931
deaths | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
LD_cases1 | -.0240564 .0665594 -0.36 0.719 -.1568387 .1087259
LD_cases2 | -.0087608 .0107619 -0.81 0.418 -.0302303 .0127087
LD_cases3 | -.0055262 .0084372 -0.65 0.515 -.0223578 .0113055
L2D_cases1 | .0533405 .084872 0.63 0.532 -.1159745 .2226556
L2D_cases2 | .0147102 .0128244 1.15 0.255 -.0108738 .0402942
L2D_cases3 | -.0045495 .0090462 -0.50 0.617 -.0225961 .0134971
L3D_cases1 | .0808952 .0675054 1.20 0.235 -.0537745 .2155649
L3D_cases2 | .0297254 .0120054 2.48 0.016 .0057753 .0536754
L3D_cases3 | -.0033342 .0081565 -0.41 0.684 -.019606 .0129375
_cons | 7.041891 .7204465 9.77 0.000 5.60464 8.479143
Finally, we can draw a scatter plot of the variables with a different colour for each segement.
The command line is estat scatter varlist
where varlist is the independent variable (X),
the dependent variable is automatically added on the y-axis.
With a bit more of codeing, see example.do, we can create a plot with confidence intervals and indicate the different regimes:
We are using a dataset with the same variables as above, but on US State level. First we load the dataset:
use https://github.com/JanDitzen/xtbreak/raw/main/data/US_panel.dta
As before, we start with the sequential F-Test and the estimation of the break dates. We use the heterosekdastic standard errors and a trimming of 1%. Otherwise the syntax remains the same. xtbreak
automatically detects if a panel or time series is used.
xtbreak d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases, vce(hc) trim(0.1)
Test for multiple breaks at unknown breakdates
(Ditzen, Karavias & Westerlund. 2024)
H0: no break(s) vs. H1: 1 <= s <= 9 break(s)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
UDmax 13.60 6.25 4.95 4.42
Sequential test for multiple breaks at unknown breakpoints
(Ditzen, Karavias & Westerlund. 2024)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
F(1|0) 11.90 6.24 4.87 4.26
F(2|1) 9.31 6.78 5.51 4.85
F(3|2) 8.50 7.20 5.81 5.21
F(4|3) 10.76 7.45 5.99 5.49
F(5|4) 1.14 7.65 6.20 5.65
F(6|5) 4.82 7.79 6.34 5.78
F(7|6) 1.24 7.84 6.42 5.89
F(8|7) 2.20 7.90 6.54 5.98
F(9|8) 2.44 7.93 6.65 6.12
Detected number of breaks: 4 4 4
The detected number of breaks indicates the highest number of
breaks for which the null hypothesis is rejected.
Estimation of break points
Number of obs = 4740
Number of Groups = 60
Obs per group = 79
SSR = 13.88
Trimming = 0.10
# Index Date [95% Conf. Interval]
1 7 2020w14 2020w13 2020w15
2 14 2020w21 2020w20 2020w22
3 46 2021w1 2020w52 2021w2
4 53 2021w8 2021w7 2021w9
As there might be cross-sectional dependence presence, we add cross-sectional averages und use standard errors from Westerlund, Petrova and Norkute (2019):
xtbreak d.deaths d.L(1/3).cases, csa(d.l.cases) vce(wpn) trim(0.1) skiph2
Sequential test for multiple breaks at unknown breakpoints
(Ditzen, Karavias & Westerlund. 2024)
----------------- Bai & Perron Critical Values -----------------
Test 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical
Statistic Value Value Value
F(1|0) 6.32 6.24 4.87 4.26
F(2|1) 68.68 6.78 5.51 4.85
F(3|2) 73.44 7.20 5.81 5.21
F(4|3) 9.10 7.45 5.99 5.49
F(5|4) 4.50 7.65 6.20 5.65
F(6|5) 13.82 7.79 6.34 5.78
F(7|6) 10.33 7.84 6.42 5.89
F(8|7) 10.40 7.90 6.54 5.98
F(9|8) 8.04 7.93 6.65 6.12
Detected number of breaks: (min) 4 4 4
(max) 9 9 9
Null hypothesis rejected more than once after non-rejection.
The detected number of breaks indicates the minimum and maximum
number of breaks for which the null hypothesis is rejected.
Estimation of break points
Number of obs = 4740
Number of Groups = 60
Obs per group = 79
SSR = 10.89
Trimming = 0.10
# Index Date [95% Conf. Interval]
1 7 2020w14 2020w13 2020w15
2 14 2020w21 2020w20 2020w22
3 45 2020w52 2020w51 2021w1
4 53 2021w8 2021w7 2021w9
Cross-section averages:
with breaks: LD.cases
The estimated break dates remain the same.
Andrews, D. W. K. (1993). Tests for Parameter Instability and Structural Change With Unknown Change Point. Econometrica, 61(4), 821–856. link.
Bai, B. Y. J., & Perron, P. (1998). Estimating and Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes. Econometrica, 66(1), 47–78. link.
Bai, J., & Perron, P. (2003). Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18(1), 1–22. link.
Ditzen, J., Karavias, Y. & Westerlund, J. (2024) Testing for Multiple Structural Breaks in Panel Data. Journal of Applied Econometrics link
Ditzen, J., Karavias, Y. & Westerlund, J. (2025) Testing and Estimating Structural Breaks in Time Series and Panel Data in Stata. arXiv:2110.14550 [econ.EM]. link.
Karavias, Y, Narayan P. & Westerlund, J. (2021) Structural breaks in Interactive Effects Panels and the Stock Market Reaction to COVID–19. arXiv:2111.03035 [econ.EM]. link
Westerlund, J., Petrova, Y., & Norkute, M. (2019). CCE in fixed-T panels. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(5), 1–16. link
The latest version of the xtbreak package can be obtained by typing in Stata:
net from https://janditzen.github.io/xtbreak/
requires Stata 15 or newer.
Questions? Feel free to write us an email, open an issue or start a discussion.
Email: jan.ditzen@unibz.it
Web: www.jan.ditzen.net
Email: yiannis.karavias@brunel.ac.uk
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/yianniskaravias/
Email: joakim.westerlund@nek.lu.se
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/perjoakimwesterlund/
Ditzen, J., Karavias, Y. & Westerlund, J. (2025) Testing and Estimating Structural Breaks in Time Series and Panel Data in Stata. arXiv:2110.14550 [econ.EM].
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